
Saturday 18 July 2015

July plans...

Here we are in July. How did that happen? I could measure the last few months by what I've worked on, but even so, I don't really know how I got from April to here. Now, I'm in the middle of three (ish) weeks off between ending the last short-term, full-time contract and starting the next job, and I've got so much to do!

I've been implementing lots of change in my life, and I'm feeling really good about it all. Financial uncertainty is something that I've had to get used to since I left home at 18, but I'm aiming for a more stable work/life balance, more routines, and doing more stuff that I love and that makes me happy.

Part of that involves trying to tidy up the flat and reduce my possessions. This is what the fabric situation at home currently looks like:

In an ideal world, everything you see in the image above would be contained by that drawer. In an even more ideal world, the whole drawer unit would not even exist, and fabric would live in a small storage box under my bed.

In the drawer is nice fabric that I have plans for. Wool on the left, cottons in the middle, and linings and silky things on the right. The bags are overspill….L-R: an unfinished quilt, a bag of interfacings, more stashed/scrap fabrics, and a bag of alterations to get through.

I gave the drawer a tidy-up and it looks much better than it was. But yes, I did have to cut out two items of clothing just to be able to close it. And no, those items are not yet finished at the time of writing… Although when I sew everything up, it will be my clothes storage that suddenly has a problem, at least I'll have realised all those intentions that I had when I bought every piece of cloth.

What's your stash situation like? Do you have any tips for not letting it accumulate?! I'd love to hear them!

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